Mac-Source 1994 July
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686 lines
hlp.c - Help Module.
Copyright © 1988, 1989, 1990 Northwestern University. Permission is
granted to use this code in your own projects, provided you give credit
to both John Norstad and Northwestern University in your about box or
This reusable module implements help windows. The help window contains
a scrolling field containing the text and an optional table of contents.
The caller supplies several resources - a WIND resource for the window,
a sequence of STR# resources containing the text, and a TCON resource
for the table of contents.
The sequence of STR# resources must be terminated by an empty STR#
resource (an STR# resource of size 2 containing 0 strings).
There is a limit of 8k lines of text in the help window
#include "rep.h"
#include "rpp.h"
#include "utl.h"
#include "hlp.h"
#include "doc.h"
Global Constants and Variables.
static hlp_PBlock P; /* param block */
static WindowPtr HelpWindow; /* pointer to window record */
static Handle Report; /* handle to report */
static Handle TabConRez; /* handle to TCON resource */
static short TopLine; /* line number of top line in table
of contents rectangle */
static short BotLine; /* line number of bottom line in table
of contents rectangle */
static short LastLine; /* line number of last line in table
of contents */
static short LastCell; /* cell number of last cell in table
of contents rectangle */
static Rect Cell1Rect; /* top cell rectangle */
static Rect Cell2Rect; /* second cell rectangle */
static Rect CellARect; /* second to bottom cell rectangle */
static Rect CellBRect; /* bottom cell rectangle */
static Rect TCScrollRect; /* table of contents scrolling
rectangle */
static RgnHandle UpdateRgn; /* update region for ScrollRect calls */
static PolyHandle TopTri; /* top table of contents scrolling
triangle */
static PolyHandle BotTri; /* bottom table of contents scrolling
triangle */
DelayScroll - Slow Down Scrolling.
Entry: n = delay factor (smaller value = longer delay).
static void DelayScroll (short n)
long waitTill;
if (n >= 32) return;
waitTill = TickCount() + 8 - (n>>2);
while (TickCount() < waitTill) {
if (!StillDown()) break;
GetLine - Get Table of Contents Line.
Entry: n = line number.
Exit: function result = pointer to line.
static char *GetLine (short n)
char *q;
q = *TabConRez + 4;
while (true) {
if (*q & docScreen) {
if (n) {
} else {
return q+1;
q += *(q+1) + 4;
if ((long)q & 1) q++;
DoTcon - Check for and Process Mouse Down in Table of Contents.
Entry: where = location of mouse down event, in local coords.
static void DoTcon (Point where)
Point curLoc; /* current mouse loc */
short oldCell; /* old cell pos, or -1 if none. */
short newCell; /* new cell pos, or -1 if none */
char *p; /* pointer into TCON resource */
Rect frameRect; /* rect enclosing table of contents */
Rect invertRect; /* rect to be inverted */
long startTicks; /* tick count at mouse down */
/* Return if mouse loc is not in the table of contents rectangle. */
curLoc = where;
frameRect = P.tabConRect;
InsetRect(&frameRect, 1, 1);
if (!PtInRect(curLoc, &frameRect)) return;
/* Track the mouse and hilite the table of contents lines. */
oldCell = -1;
invertRect = frameRect;
startTicks = TickCount();
while (true) {
if (PtInRect(curLoc, &frameRect)) {
newCell = (curLoc.v - frameRect.top - 1) / P.tabConLSep;
} else if (curLoc.h >= frameRect.left && curLoc.h <= frameRect.right) {
if (TopLine && curLoc.v <= frameRect.top) {
newCell = 0;
} else if (BotLine < LastLine && curLoc.v >= frameRect.bottom) {
newCell = LastCell;
} else {
newCell = -1;
} else {
newCell = -1;
if (newCell != oldCell) {
if (oldCell >= 0) {
invertRect.top = frameRect.top + P.tabConLSep*oldCell;
invertRect.bottom = invertRect.top + P.tabConLSep;
if (newCell >= 0) {
if (!newCell && TopLine) {
/* scroll down 1 line */
ScrollRect(&TCScrollRect, 0, P.tabConLSep, UpdateRgn);
SetOrigin(0, 0);
p = GetLine(TopLine);
TextBox(p+1, *p, &Cell2Rect, teJustLeft);
if (!TopLine) {
p = GetLine(0);
TextBox(p+1, *p, &Cell1Rect, teJustLeft);
if (BotLine == LastLine) {
newCell = -1;
if (TopLine) {
DelayScroll(Cell2Rect.top - curLoc.v);
} else if (newCell == LastCell && BotLine < LastLine) {
/* scroll up 1 line */
ScrollRect(&TCScrollRect, 0, -P.tabConLSep, UpdateRgn);
SetOrigin(0, 0);
p = GetLine(BotLine);
TextBox(p+1, *p, &CellARect, teJustLeft);
if (BotLine == LastLine) {
p = GetLine(LastLine);
TextBox(p+1, *p, &CellBRect, teJustLeft);
if (!TopLine) {
newCell = -1;
if (BotLine < LastLine) {
DelayScroll(curLoc.v - CellARect.bottom);
} else {
invertRect.top = frameRect.top + P.tabConLSep*newCell;
invertRect.bottom = invertRect.top + P.tabConLSep;
oldCell = newCell;
if (!StillDown()) break;
/* Jump to the selected section. */
if ((newCell >= 0) &&
(newCell || !TopLine) &&
(newCell < LastCell || BotLine == LastLine)) {
while (TickCount() < startTicks+8);
invertRect.top = frameRect.top + P.tabConLSep*newCell;
invertRect.bottom = invertRect.top + P.tabConLSep;
p = GetLine(newCell + TopLine) - 3;
rep_Jump(Report, *((short*)p), true);
DrawTcon - Draw the Table of Contents.
static void DrawTcon (void)
Rect theBox; /* rectangle enclosing cur line */
char *q; /* pointer into TCON resource */
short oldFont; /* saved font number */
short oldSize; /* saved font size */
Rect frameBox; /* box for framing */
short i; /* cell index */
theBox = Cell1Rect;
oldFont = thePort->txFont;
oldSize = thePort->txSize;
for (i = 0; i <= LastCell; i++) {
if (!i && TopLine) {
} else if (i == LastCell && BotLine < LastLine) {
} else {
q = GetLine(TopLine+i);
TextBox(q+1, *q, &theBox, teJustLeft);
OffsetRect(&theBox, 0, P.tabConLSep);
frameBox = P.tabConRect;
MoveTo(frameBox.right, frameBox.top+2);
LineTo(frameBox.right, frameBox.bottom);
LineTo(frameBox.left+2, frameBox.bottom);
hlp_Open - Open Help Window.
Entry: theWindow = pointer to opened window, positioned and sized,
p = pointer to parameter block, with fields set as follows:
firstStrID = resource id of first STR# resource.
listDefID = resource id of type 1 report LDEF.
textRect = rectangle enclosing the text and its scroll bar.
fontNum = font number for text.
fontSize = font size for text.
tabConID = resource id of TCON resource.
tabConRect = rectangle for table of contents.
tabConFNum = table of contents font number.
tabConFSize = table of contents font size.
tabConLSep = table of contents line separation, in pixels.
tag = tag of line to jump to initially, or 0 if none. Takes
precedence over scrollLine.
tagRezID = resource id of TAG resource.
scrollLine = line number of line to jump to initially.
cellRezID = resource id of CELL resource.
cellOption = CELL resource disposal option:
0 = release the CELL resource.
1 = keep the CELL resource, and leave it purgable.
2 = keep the CELL resource, and leave it unpurgable.
extraUpdate = pointer to a funtion to be called during
update event processing, or nil if none. This function
can draw any extra decorative stuff in the help window
(e.g., a "Table of Contents" title above the table of
Exit: window initialized and shown.
For best results, the textRect rectangle height should 2 more than an
even multiple of the window font's ascent plus descent plus leading
(12 for Geneva 9). This will make an even number of rows appear in
the rectangle, which makes scrolling look nice.
Similarly, the tabConRect rectangle height should be 2 more than an
even multiple of tabConLSep. If this rectangle is not tall enough to
contain all of the table of contents lines, then the menu will scroll.
The tabConRect rectangle should not be taller than the total number
of table of contents entries. That is, you should gaurantee that
(tabConRect.bottom - tabConRect.top - 2) / tabConLSep <=
total number of table of contents entries.
void hlp_Open (WindowPtr theWindow, hlp_PBlock *p)
short h, v; /* h and v coords for triangles */
short tsize; /* size (height) of triangles */
unsigned char *q; /* ptr into TCON resource */
short n; /* loop index */
P = *p;
HelpWindow = theWindow;
/* Initialize table of contents. */
/* Create the top and bottom table of contents scrolling triangles. */
h = p->tabConRect.left + 5;
v = p->tabConRect.top + p->tabConLSep + 1 -
tsize = p->tabConFSize-2;
TopTri = OpenPoly();
Line(tsize<<1, 0);
Line(-tsize, -tsize);
LineTo(h, v);
v = p->tabConRect.bottom - p->tabConLSep - 1 +
BotTri = OpenPoly();
Line(tsize<<1, 0);
Line(-tsize, tsize);
LineTo(h, v);
/* Load and lock the TCON resource. */
TabConRez = GetResource('TCON', p->tabConID);
/* Initialize global variables. */
TopLine = 0;
q = (unsigned char *)(*TabConRez + 4);
LastLine = -1;
for (n = 0; n < **(short**)TabConRez; n++) {
if (*q & docScreen) LastLine++;
q += *(q+1) + 4;
if ((long)q & 1) q++;
LastCell = (p->tabConRect.bottom - p->tabConRect.top - 2) /
p->tabConLSep - 1;
BotLine = LastCell;
UpdateRgn = NewRgn();
Cell1Rect = p->tabConRect;
InsetRect(&Cell1Rect, 4, 1);
CellBRect = TCScrollRect = Cell1Rect;
Cell1Rect.bottom = Cell1Rect.top + p->tabConLSep;
Cell2Rect = Cell1Rect;
OffsetRect(&Cell2Rect, 0, p->tabConLSep);
CellBRect.top = CellBRect.bottom - p->tabConLSep;
CellARect = CellBRect;
OffsetRect(&CellARect, 0, -p->tabConLSep);
TCScrollRect.top += p->tabConLSep;
TCScrollRect.bottom -= p->tabConLSep;
/* Set the window's font id and size. */
/* Initialize the report. */
rep_Init(&p->textRect, HelpWindow, 1, p->firstStrID, p->listDefID,
p->cellRezID, &Report);
if (p->tag) {
rep_Jump(Report, rep_Tag(p->tagRezID, p->tag), false);
} else if (p->scrollLine) {
rep_Jump(Report, p->scrollLine, false);
/* Size the window. */
/* Show the window. */
hlp_Close - Close Help Window.
Exit: auxiliary data structures deallocated.
It is the callers responsibility to actually dispose of the window
void hlp_Close (void)
rep_Dispose(Report, P.cellOption);
hlp_Click - Process Mouse Down Event.
Entry: where = mouse down location, local coords.
void hlp_Click (Point where)
Rect repRect; /* report rectangle */
rep_GetRect(Report, &repRect);
if (PtInRect(where, &repRect)) {
rep_Scroll(Report, where);
} else {
hlp_Activate - Process Activate Event.
void hlp_Activate (void)
rep_Activate(Report, true);
hlp_Deactivate - Process Deactivate Event.
void hlp_Deactivate (void)
rep_Activate(Report, false);
hlp_Update - Process Update Event.
It is the caller's responsibility to set the port to the help window,
call BeginUpdate, and erase the portrect before calling this routine,
and to call EndUpdate after calling it.
void hlp_Update (void)
if (P.extraUpdate) (*P.extraUpdate)();
hlp_Key - Process Key Event.
Entry: key = ascii code of key pressed.
modifiers = key modifiers.
void hlp_Key (short key, short modifiers)
if (key == upArrow || key == downArrow) {
(void) rep_Key(Report, key, modifiers);
hlp_Jump - Jump to a Tag.
Entry: tag = tag to jump to.
void hlp_Jump (short tag)
rep_Jump(Report, rep_Tag(P.tagRezID, tag), true);
hlp_Print - Print Help Text.
Entry: p = pointer to print parameter block.
printOne = true to bypass print job dialog.
Exit: function result = error code.
OSErr hlp_Print (rpp_PrtBlock *p, Boolean printOne)
return rpp_Print(Report, printOne, p);
ChangeSize - Process Window Size Change.
Entry: height = new window height.
static void ChangeSize (short height)
short newTabConHeight; /* new tcon rect height */
short newLastCell; /* new cell num of last cell */
short deltaCell; /* change in number of cells */
short deltaHeight; /* change in height of tcon rect */
Rect inval; /* rect to be invalidated */
/* Change report size. */
rep_Height(Report, height - 6);
/* Change table of contents size. */
newTabConHeight = height - 20 - P.tabConRect.top;
newTabConHeight -= (newTabConHeight - 2) % P.tabConLSep;
newLastCell = (newTabConHeight - 2) / P.tabConLSep - 1;
if (newLastCell > LastLine) newLastCell = LastLine;
deltaCell = newLastCell - LastCell;
deltaHeight = deltaCell * P.tabConLSep;
P.tabConRect.bottom += deltaHeight;
LastCell = newLastCell;
BotLine += deltaCell;
if (BotLine > LastLine) {
TopLine -= BotLine-LastLine;
BotLine = LastLine;
OffsetRect(&CellARect, 0, deltaHeight);
OffsetRect(&CellBRect, 0, deltaHeight);
TCScrollRect.bottom += deltaHeight;
OffsetPoly(BotTri, 0, deltaHeight);
inval = P.tabConRect;
inval.right += 1;
inval.bottom = HelpWindow->portRect.bottom;
hlp_Grow - Process Window Grow Operation.
Entry: height = new window height.
width = new window width.
void hlp_Grow (short height, short width)
SizeWindow(HelpWindow, width, height, true);
hlp_Zoom - Process Window Zoom Operation.
void hlp_Zoom (void)
ChangeSize(HelpWindow->portRect.bottom - HelpWindow->portRect.top);
hlp_Save - Save Help Document.
Entry: prompt = prompt string for standard file dialog.
defName = default file name for standard file dialog.
creator = creator type for saved text file.
menuPick = true if save operation was initiated via a
menu pick, false if it was initiated via a command key.
Exit: function result = os error code.
OSErr hlp_Save (Str255 *prompt, Str255 *defName, OSType creator,
Boolean menuPick)
Boolean good; /* true if file saved */
return rep_Save (Report, prompt, defName, creator, &good, menuPick);
hlp_GetScrollPos - Get Help Window Scrolling Position.
Exit: function result = window scrolling position (line number
at top of window).
short hlp_GetScrollPos (void)
return rep_GetPos(Report);
hlp_GetTconRect - Get Help Window Table of Contents Rectangle.
Exit: tconRect = tcon rectangle.
void hlp_GetTconRect (Rect *tconRect)
*tconRect = P.tabConRect;